March 9, 2025

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Secrets From Centenarians To Live To 100 Years

Secrets From Centenarians To Live To 100 Years

Most centenarians note that it is not only about good genes but also about daily work on oneself and observing certain rules to live long. Of course, in the first place is a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. But there are still many small habits that, according to centenarians, help fight early aging, improve health, and give strength.

Habits For Long Life

Here is a list of habits for longer life:

1. Drinking Tea

One of the oldest residents of England is Ethel Lang, who was born during the reign of Queen Victoria. She noted that her secrets to longevity lie in daily drinking tea. According to many centenarians around the world, the famous tea made from tree leaves helps fight early aging. But apart from the regular use of tea, the Englishwoman did not smoke. Like many of her generations, the woman often baked and ate bread according to old English recipes.

2. Refraining From Alcohol Consumption

Consumption of alcoholic beverages can harm a person’s health, and now even centenarians confirm it. According to Ethel Lang, she avoided drinking alcoholic beverages as these only harms a person’s health. She believed that it was one of her secrets for long life. Thus, if you also want to live long, you also have to stay away from alcohol.

However, if you are already suffering from alcohol addiction, you need to quit it. Do not stay stuck in questions such as does rehab work; are rehab treatments effective? Sometimes it’s hard to believe the effectiveness of a process unless you go through or experience it yourself. So just get the treatment without having any second thoughts if you want to live long.

3. Focusing On The Present

The Japanese Sakari Momoi left the world at the age of 112. He served as a great teacher throughout his life. According to him, he never thought about death; he tried to drive negative thoughts and emotions away from himself. He focused on what was happening around him here and now. In addition, he regularly did morning exercises and chose a measured diet.

4. Simple And Easy Diet

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German centenarian Joanna Klink was born in 1903 and died in 2015. She remained in excellent physical shape and sound mind until her very last days. Her secret was that she preferred light and simple diets that included vegetables, fruits, and grains. While cooking, she used only a few drops of vegetable oil.

5. Work And Love

American Gertrude Weaver, who lived to 116 years old, never suffered from chronic diseases. She was constantly engaged in physical labor and was surrounded by people who loved her. She believed that aging comes faster if you give up work, faith, and love. Thus, if you want to live a long life like her, follow her path.

6. Set A Goal

96-year-old Alice Laemmle said that for long and happy life, you definitely need a goal. A goal helps to maintain the spirit and strength to live longer and healthier. If a person does not have a specific goal or dream, then his life is more like an existence that is filled with negative emotions. It harms both mental and physical health.

7. Movement Is The Key

Life is motion. Such a well-known truth helped American Geralene Talley celebrate her 116th birthday. One day she was trying to learn how to drive a car and had an accident. After that, she never drove again.

She walked, and it was an important reason for her long life. According to her, you need to lead an active lifestyle, play sports, and play outdoor games. Even at 104, her favorite sport was bowling.

8. Add Sushi In The Diet

At the age of 117 years and one month, another long-lived woman, Japanese Misao Okawa, died. At 102, she went to work and could walk on her own until she was 110. She later developed problems with coordination and required a wheelchair.

When asked about the secrets of longevity, she replied that a healthy night’s sleep and sushi helped her slow down aging and gave her strength. A diet that includes Japanese national dishes and fresh seafood, according to Misao, is a great way to maintain health and prolong life.

9. Laughter

The German-American writer Bel Kaufman became famous for her novel Up the Down Stairs. At 100 years old, she received additional education in college and never lost heart. She called laughter the best cure for all diseases. And even in old age, she did not allow anyone around her to be sad and depressed. She lived to the age of 103.

10. Calmness And Restraint

The oldest person to ever live in the United States was Sarah DeRemer Knaus. She died when she was 119 years and three months old. Her daughter noted that her mother was very modest in her emotions and always tried to remain calm and reserved. It was this trait, according to daughter Sarah, that helped her to live to such a decent age.

11. Family Ties

Benjamin Goldfaden, born in 1913, was a professional basketball player who later became a physical education teacher. Until his death at 100, he remained physically active. When asked about his secrets to longevity, he always noted three important components: a balanced diet, the rejection of uncontrollable emotions, and a close connection with his family.

12. Do What You Love

Leila Denmark was a pioneering American physician. She only retired at 103. She has been called the world’s oldest practicing pediatrician. She lived to be over 114 years old. The secret to her longevity is proper nutrition and her favorite work. “If a person does what he likes, then he will always have a positive attitude, which is very important for overall health,” Leila believed.

From the lives of these people who lived for more than 100 years, we all can learn some healthy habits. Adopting these habits may help us live longer and healthier.