March 9, 2025

Parenting Voice

Parenting Voice Empowers You

School Dances With Woodch Furniture

School Dances With Woodch Furniture

At the early age, children learn to talk and walk, but at the age of two or three, it is a wonder they don’t play. Truly, they discover all the things that make the world go ’round.

Today, children are Like little sponges. They absorb everything around them. This includes learning new things through play. Have you ever observed as your child walks on a rug? They walk around and observe it with all the senses. They watch it, they watch it again, and again. This same child has never seen the earth from above and he wonder the “why” is it that they can’t sit down like adults do? As they say, “their big, little eyes only see the flag and wonder.”

When our children are just learning about the world from one area, we must watch out for signs of weakness in their development and make allowances for it accordingly. We must also give them room for the little mistakes that come to us way too easy now, but, in their older age and maturity, they learn from these things.

A few signs include:

· Your child can walk and talk, but if they cannot do a simple thing like hold a crayon, they think the world revolves around them and all they need is a pencil to draw the stars.

· They complain about their aches and pains. Your child may complain of coming down with the cold and not be able to communicate the reason why, and because of their age, don’t know the word to describe what is wrong. They call it “sick” instead.

· They don’t understand how to count.

· If your child has a ball and rolls it across the carpet, they think they have to throw it across the room and find the ball again. This is very frustrating to a child who has lost his or her ball. The explanation for throwing a ball that is no longer Bermuda triangle is to say it is time to forget ab paths, impossible might be.

Those three signs are the body’s way of letting you know that something is not as it should be or that something is out of balance. Now, it takes a bit more than that, but as a parent, you can use your wisdom and sense of humour to guide your child then to make sure that they grow up into a healthy, happy adults themselves and they learn to be good role models. Here are a few other helpful and funny tips to try when concerned or inclined to guiding your child in… ( humble pie here).

1. Make sure your child has adequate area left for their toys and activities. It takes a child several years before they can simply walk to a certain spot and make their own choice.

2. Put your child’s toys back on the carpet. They are not as important as other people or the world that is in front of them.

3. By all means, try to encourage your child to play and learn with other kids in their own age group. If a child can’t play with older kids, they could become bitter and turn against older friends who could be a problem to them.

4. If your child has difficulties in learning something new, help them get the message that you should encourage and help them to learn. Sometimes it takes a little time and practice.

5. Let you child move forward and experience life. By making them feel free to do so, they will have the confidence to take chances. That in the end will lead them to terrified and spare them even the embarrassment of facing the inevitable.

Hopefully, these tips will make the process a little easier for you. The greatest thing is to feel good about being a parent. We want that for our children as well as for ourselves.